THE SUZANの映画を製作している写真家のマイクさんこと野上眞宏さんの写真展が今週土曜から5/30まで白金台にあるBIOTOPでスタートします。ぜひ足を運んでみてください📷 Mike Nogami(Masahiro Nogami)'s exhibition starts from this saturday at BIOTOP. Please come and see him if you're in Tokyo! #mikenogami#happyend#thesuzan#exhibition#photography#biotop @ Adam et Rope' Biotop
As you already know, I'm expecting a baby in this summer ! I don't have any plans to play for shows after the next show. I want to see THE SUZAN's fans and friends at there !!
THE SUZAN will start to make a new record in this year.
THE SUZANは24日(土)の昼過ぎに登場予定です。またthe telephonesの石毛 輝くんと松本誠治くんと岡本伸明くんも出演しますよ!ビバ埼玉愛!!会場は5箇所もあって、ライブ以外にもマルシェや桜めぐりツアーなど盛りだくさんのイベントです。お友達とご家族とピクニック気分で埼玉にぜひ遊びにきてください♪
"SUZAN KINGDOM" is our first EP which released in 2004 from Rose Records.
This EP is really unique, all 5 songs are demo which recorded at our room (not studio!).
You can listen to "MY BLUES" at Rose Records website.
SPUR 3月号にて、P158「白熱!海外ドラマまとめ」コーナーで私達のおすすめ海外ドラマを紹介させていただきました。全国の書店、ネットで現在発売中です
We recommended a TV drama series for Japanese fashion magazine "SPUR" at this issue.
We announced that our new EP " Konichiwa The Suzan" is coming out on Jan 19th, very soon! Don't forget to check our lately works "Doki Doki Sounds" and " Jungle Beat" before "Konichiwa" EP.
✭祝✭1月19日にNEW EP "Konichiwa The Suzan"が全世界デジタル配信でリリースされます!その前に、昨年リリースされた"Doki Doki Sounds"と"Jungle Beat"をまだチェックしてない場合は今すぐチェック!!してくださいね。
Click a jacket image to check "Doki Doki Sonunds" on Spotify♪
Click a jacket image to check "Jungle Beat" on iTunes♪