THE SUZAN IKUEより、皆様へご報告です。
この度私IKUEは7月25日のBrooklyn Museumのライブを最後に、The Suzanを卒業します。
さて、The Suzanのメンバーの皆と私と、お互い新しいステージには突入しますが、新作を引っさげてのThe Suzanはこれからも益々パワーアップして音楽活動の場を広めていくことでしょう。
私もThe Suzanでなくなった自分として新たなスタートを切れるよう、精進していこうと思います。
The SuzanとThe Suzanに関わった皆様に素敵な未来が訪れますよう、心より願っております。
It's Ikue of The Suzan.
Some people might know already but I would like to inform you that I leave The Suzan this month.
My last gig as an official member of the Suzan is Brooklyn Museum show on July 25th.
Until today, I've spent a lot of precious time with the band.
I would love to say big "Thank you" to the band members, our manager, our producer, fans, and all who have supported us.
What we accomplished until today could not be happened without you.
We both step into next different stages.
However the band will spread their musical talents with their new stuffs. And I will work hard to start my new life as a lady who is not the Suzan.
I don't know how to describe my appreciation to the band members and all who have been related with the band enough. But I would love to thank all of you.
I really wish you all may have great futures.
Big thanks and love,