
San Diego with Beautiful Sunset!

Feb 20th, 3pm.
On sun-soaked afternoon, finally we arrived in San Diego where was the final destination of our US tour.

Despite the chilly weather, as palms line on the big road with fancy cafes and bars, we felt like we were in the tropical island.
And people on the street looked kind of mild and enjoying the days.

And as soon as we got there,
we met Tim who is a member of the band called Lights On, and he took us very good hamburger shop!
After "Hamburger time", we enjoyed the relaxing time at the lovely sunset beach of San Diego till the gig.
Singing "Come Come" all together and drawing "SUZAN +DAN 4ever"… we just had a fun with doing unbelievably uncool things..

Watching orange skyline, we remembered the incidents on this tour, appreciated everyone who support us, and put our sprit into it! and headed to tonight's venue: TIN CAN ALE HOUSE!

comparing the stage that we played with Chromeo previous day, Tin Can Ale House's size is a like 1/50 of it. And Tim asked us "disappointed with this size?" though, NEVER!!
Playing at the huge stage is also fun and very stimulative though, one at small venue has its own excitement, satisfaction an like sense of tension from being close to the audience!

After the hot stage of Lights On who have also played with Peter Bjorn and John before, next is us The Suzan.

We played a lot of songs like "Moscow Discow" and "Animals" and new song "Thinking" on encore because it was last show on the tour at nicely cozy venue.

Thank you all who came to see our stage very much!
Thank you Lights on for inviting us to the event!
Thank you lady at the bar who owe us 2 shots of SAKE!
Tin Can Ale House that has interesting octopus drawing on the entrance is the great cozy venue where lots of music lovers come along!

2月20日 午後3時!
大陽の光がサンサンと降り注ぐ中、今回のUS,CANADA tourの最終地点となるサンディエゴの地に到着しました!


Lights onのメンバーであるTimと、とってもおいしいというハンバーガー屋さんへでかけました。
長時間、バンの中でバナナやリンゴしか食べていなかったので、THE SUZAN+DANは無心で超絶品ハンバーガーを頂きました。
ザザーンという波しぶきに合わせて「come come」を歌ったり、地面に「THE SUZAN+DAN 4ever」と掘るという、この世の物とは思えないほどダサいことをしたりして遊びました。

気合いを入れ直して向かった先は、今夜のベニューTIN CAN ALE HOUSE!!

前日に2~3000人ものお客さんを動員したFOX Theaterと比べると、ここはその50分の1くらいのベニュー。

PBJの前座も務めた事のあるLights onの素敵なステージで会場が盛り上がったところで、次はTHE SUZAN。

Moscow DiscowやAnimalのカバーをやったり、アンコールでは突如Thinkingをひっぱりだしてプレイしたり、自分達でも驚きのセットリストになりました(笑)

イベントに誘ってくれたLights Onありがとう!
SAKE SHOTを全員に2杯も振る舞ってくれてたバーのお姉さんありがとう!
エントランスに不思議な大きなタコの絵が書いてあるこのTIN CAN ALE HOUSEは、音楽好きの集まるcozyで素敵なベニューでした!

NICO thesuzan

"Hamburger Time"!

THE SUZAN + DAN 4ever♡

Beautiful Sunset☆

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